Caregiving 101. A Proxwell Primer

Anxiety is the opposite of peace of mind

Facing a challenging medical condition is daunting not only for patients but also their families, who play critical roles as informal caregivers helping with treatment plans, medical appointments and emotional support. Successful treatment and recovery often heavily depend on the efforts of a patient’s family and friends which can create a lot of stress for all those involved. 

Closeup of dark-skinned hands embracing
Family members often do not know how to plan for the components of treatment that occur at home.

Complexity also arises when friends/family (also known as “informal caregivers”) and formal caregivers (for example, home health aides) assist in the home care of a patient.

Families often try to cobble together solutions but are generally unable to coordinate their activities and ensure that everyone has equal access to information. Proxwell™ is specifically designed to empower patients and all of their caregivers to become active, involved managers of their care.

3 screens showing the Proxwell app; the Network view, Patient Tasks, and Activities

Proxwell has innovative features that take the stress out of caregiving.

With Proxwell™’s unique health activity log and reminder system, all individuals involved in a patient’s care stay on top of crucial treatment regimens. Minor issues (for example a missed medication dose) are caught before they become major ones. ProxwellTM’s proactive approach to home care management leads to fewer problems and “close calls,” which leads to less anxiety and greater peace of mind. 

Key ways that proxwell™ can aid in Caregiving

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Provides a single source of truth for family members and caregivers

  • Knowing that health and wellness tasks are completed on time

  • Offers health event tracking to better understand a loved one’s well-being over time


Proxwell and The Changing Face of Caregiving


The proxwell perspective for healthcare providers and patients