Humans are more than just resources

A mother hugs her daughter from behind, while they both stare into a small mirror.

Why Proxwell as a benefit can help reduce stress in your workforce

Acting as a family caregiver can be as consuming and challenging as a full-time job.

It can be even more challenging if you already have a full or part-time job. A very high percentage of family caregivers have full-time jobs and are forced to make an adjustment to their work-life balance to care for a loved one.

HR is learning the value of normalizing the conversation around caregiving within their employee base. Caregivers should feel safe telling employers about their situation and asking for accommodations without fear of being penalized.

When offered in benefit packages Proxwell empowers a “difference in kind” approach to care delivery that will significantly improve a family caregiver’s ability to monitor and support patient quality of life, adherence to therapy, wellness and not necessarily have to leave their job to do so.

Proxwell offers a bit of normalcy to the hectic part of caregiving; a way to support those individuals who are caring for a loved one or even just managing their own wellness journey.


Proxwell for Providers


Why Proxwell makes sense for Government