Coordinating care for a loved one is a challenge.

See how Proxwell can help.

Our revolutionary app provides a single source of truth for all the things that are part of caring for our loved ones. From home or across the country, Proxwell is a partner.  A promise.  A helping hand that will allow your loved one to stay in their home and receive the care and attention they need and deserve.

Explore App Features

Task Tracking

For pennies a day Proxwell will deliver families peace of mind. Take charge and stay informed of hourly and daily implementation of your loved one’s care plan. Invite others to participate or observe the implementation status of care tasks, medications, and general condition of your loved one. Every hour, every day.

Health Log

Partner with care providers to plan, schedule, implement, and monitor care delivery. Make and share critical observations and needed adjustments to react quickly when needed, improve patient quality of life and health outcomes.

Critical Care Info

Capture all critical medical, care team and emergency contact information readily available if the need arises.


Never miss a beat with real-time notifications and stay in the know with complete control.

Patient History

Keep a running dynamic record for every single task, event, health observation, and measurement. Know exactly who did what and when it was done.

Health Data

Data is accumulated from all tasks, events, and items logged for a patient. Stats are visualized by month so that trends can be tracked.