Recording metrics

You can create different types of health measurements as recurring activities. With Proxwell, you can schedule the following types of health measurements: blood pressure, blood sugar, temperature, heart rate, weight, and O2 saturation. You can also capture measurements associated with exercise such as minutes, steps, and calories burned.

Setting up recurring measurements for your Proxwell Care Recipient

Measurements can be scheduled just like medications and activities.

Simply add a new task and in the dialog that pops up, find the option labeled as ‘Requires Measurement.’ Then from the dropdown list select ‘Measurement.’ You’ll be presented with the different available measurement types:

  • Blood Pressure

  • Blood Sugar

  • Body Temperature

  • Heart Rate

  • Height

  • Weight

  • Oxygen Saturation

  • Steps

  • Minutes

  • Calories

  • Distance (miles)

After that you can select the frequency that the measurement should be taken as well as other options for tasks such as additional notes, grace periods, and reminders.

Once the task has been added, it will appear on the Tasks view for your Proxwell Care Recipient. Additionally, if you have any caregivers that are part of your network, the task will be assigned to the caregiver who is working that particular shift window.