
Tasks are at the core of Proxwell and the best way to manage recurring health and wellness activities, events, and medications for yourself or a Care Recipient. All tasks are logged and tracked so you know exactly when tasks are scheduled and completed.

Adding Tasks

Tasks can be added in a couple of ways:

  • Directly from the Tasks view

    • Just tap the ‘+ Add’ button near the top of the screen

  • From the Care Recipient details view (accessed by tapping on the Proxwell Care Recipient ‘card’ at the top of the screen

    • Navigate to ‘Activities’ and tap the ‘+ Add’ button at the top of the list

    • The activities list shows all of the recurring activity types for a Care Recipient while tasks are the unique scheduled instances of those activities

When you are adding a new task you have a number of options available to customize the details of the task.

  • Category and Subcategory - allow you to define the type of activity or task 

  • Requires Measurement? - add a measurement such as blood pressure, steps, or weight

  • Frequency - this lets you set how often the task or activity should be performed; in other words how often the task repeats

  • Times - lets you set the time(s) of day for a given task or activity

  • Start and End Dates - this lets you schedule tasks to start in the future and end at a particular date. This could be handy for something like a medication regimen that starts next week and lasts for 30 days. 

    • If an end date is not set, tasks will repeat forever until you change or delete them

  • Grace Minutes - This is an optional, flexible time window during which a completed task is still considered ‘on-time.’ 

    • This is perfect for tasks that need a bit of flexibility such as meal times

  • Reminders - are optional nudges to remind you of an upcoming task

  • Reminders are handy for those ‘once in a while’ types of activities like an upcoming doctor visit